Amanda Griffiths
COO First Flight
First Flight have been helping Startups for many years but their recent partnership with Startup Gurus has increased our activity in this area hugely. From our database of some 11,000 potential NED candidates, nearly half have expressed an interest in investing in early stage companies. Typically the candidates will be ex- Captains of Industry with amazing networks and sector specific experience. When we take on a search project, we can source candidates with exactly the experience and knowledge you need, plus they will invest in your company. Usually a project will see us recruit some 3 or 4 candidates who will typically invest between 25k and 50k each. We’ve run much bigger campaigns and seen larger sums invested - our record to date for an Imperial startup is over £300k from 13 investors! Our sweet spot is where a company has reached MVP stage (we can do earlier and later) and it’s essential they have a good document pack available. If you’d like to know more about how this all works, then click here to be taken to our website.